I can tell you material attainments will not bring you ultimate happiness, but you cannot take my word for it, that would be your brain, and that won’t do you much good.
我可以告訴你,物質上的成就不會給你帶來終極的幸福,但你不該相信我的話,因為相信的是你的大腦,而這種大腦的理解 對你沒用的。
我可以告訴你,物質上的成就不會給你帶來終極的幸福,但你不該相信我的話,因為相信的是你的大腦,而這種大腦的理解 對你沒用的。
You have to go thru it yourself, experience is The Only teacher.
So there’s no much I can share with or teach you.
所以我其實沒有什麼可以與你分享 或教你的。
Let all beings walk their own paths, at their own pace. No disruptions. That’s Love. That’s bodhicitta.
讓一切衆生按自己的步調 走自己的路。不要干涉他們。這才是愛。這就是菩提心。
Thus, all flowers flourish in their own individual ways. It’s how He intended it.
如此,每朵花兒 都以自己獨特的方式綻放。這本是祂的原意。
Disruption in the name of bodicitta is to help you, not others. If you get a chance to exercise bodhicitta, be deeply grateful to those receiving your disruption.
There’s so much Love in “Let them be”. So much.
“讓他們如是” 就是最慈悲的愛,無限浩瀚的愛。