
二元对立中的一方 消失了(因为佛是无暇的),
自然就能清楚看见 一切都是自己念头的显现而已,
觉照到 就能解脱于念头的束缚,就能看见一切皆清净的显象。



6/13: 视师如佛是初阶,进阶是视伴侣及亲近的人如佛,最高阶是视众生如佛,那时 放眼望去 皆佛土。所以 修行 从家里家人修起。


因为觉知是全息的,一切无分别地忠实记录下来,包括你显意识当时没觉察到的身体感觉、背景声音、空中味道 等等。就像自闭症儿童录像机般的无过滤感受环境(而因此被过度刺激轰炸)。

当日后同样的身体感觉 或 声音 或味道 再次出现时,就会成为引发当时相关的潜意识记忆显现出来的缘起,而因为当初你显意识未察觉,这相关潜意识被引发出来时 你会误认为是新的感受,就再加上对它新的反应,又产生一组新的记忆印入潜意识,如此 不断轮回。

看得出潜意识的记忆显现 就能看清楚此世因果,甚至慢慢看清前世记忆因果,潜意识神秘的大门 就这样 慢慢打开。然后 你就知道 因果的确存在 但往往是很无厘头的,因为无明很无厘头。

“生命的一切显现 都是上帝为了帮助我们觉醒而安排的”,那个上帝 就是我们自己,我们的高我,所以上帝最知道我们,因为我们最知道自己

“相信你的直觉,不要相信你自己”,直觉 就是上帝在说话

入城参加法会 和在家里简单的日子 仿佛两个世界 两个截然不同的梦境,见不同的人 也是不同梦里的情景,唯一不变的 是那如如不动 无分别的觉知。记得你是那觉知 而不是经历梦的那个“我”。

原来智慧 就是上帝!


Short memory. Every moment is a reset. “Being present” in action, it’s a natural state, you don’t need to want to “be present”, it just is.

So, do everything for the joy of the moment, do not have expectations for merits to accumulate for the future. When u want to accumulate, that means you still have fear.

Love him fully, do pleasurably what pleases him, that’s the full present. Love really helps you to do that.


Marriage and investment risk profile.

You can be a blue chip investor on one extreme, or a VC stage investor on the other extreme. The more risk you take, the more choices you have; and if you invest in the right target, your return will definitely be more handsome than investing in a mature blue chip company, because you would have participated in the growth and help mold the VC investment target.

Some men are less experienced and less mature, they need help to grow into a great husband. If you invest patience and love to help him grow, your return can be very rewarding.

Or, if you are risk averse, you marry a mature, ready to go, man. You know what you get, less surprise on downside and upside. But supply is more limited in this category. So all a matter of choice, a matter of risk tolerance. you have to go according to your risk profile, you can’t force yourself either.

所以 就是缘分。